New Year, Old Fear: Tips and Tricks to Manage Near Year’s Resolutions
Written by Casey Anderson, LCPC Exercise more! Eat more leafy greens! Get better quality sleep! Dry January! Cut back on social media… The start of each new year invites a renewed list of good-intentioned resolutions – or those special promises we make to ourselves to improve our behavior, lifestyle, or personal growth. Sure, on day […]

Perinatal Mood, Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
Article written by Alex Wykowski, LCPC, PMH-C Movies and social media want everyone to believe that bringing home a new baby is filled with nothing but joy and cuddles. But the truth is that for many new parents, this time can be full of stress, worry, anxiety and even terror. This is especially true if […]

SPACE: A Promising Intervention For Anxious Youth
Article written by Casey Anderson, LCPC So, My Kid’s Anxious and Isn’t Getting Much From Individual Therapy It’s a bitter pill to swallow: You can’t control another person’s behavior, including your child’s anxious behavior. This presents a big problem for kids with anxiety disorders and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Parents understandably turn to child-focused therapy to address […]

Beating the Back-to-School Woes
How Parents Can Recognize and Support Children with Anxiety and OCD Yellow school buses back on the road? Advertisements for composition books, binders, and notebooks everywhere? “Pumpkin Spiced” everything seems to be making its seasonal return? All subtle cues that communicate one main message to us: Back-to-School season is upon us! Though the start of […]

“I Can’t Go…I Look Disgusting”: Understanding Body Dysmorphic Disorder
“My nose looks so strange. I’m know it’s deformed. That’s why everyone stares at me and the first thing they notice about me! How can people not notice my horse face? My new haircut does exactly what I wanted it to do—hide my disgusting nose.” While it can be easy to dismiss such statements as […]

Conquering BFRB-Related Shame
As the success of Dr. Pimple Popper (dermatologist Dr. Sandra Lee, known for her YouTube channel squeezing blemishes) shows, people love to see a perceived imperfection removed. What happens when these normal grooming behaviors get out of control? Body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) are a group of related disorders that cause people to repeatedly touch their […]

Please Keep Your Seat in the Upright Position; Overcoming the Fear of Flying with CBT
“Please keep your seat in the upright position; please look around and be aware of where the closest exit is to you, being mindful that it may be located behind you.” These are phrases that many people take for granted as they are settling in with some pretzels and a beverage for a comfortable flight. […]

Is Everyone Looking at Me? Overcoming Social Anxiety Disorder with CBT
When you go to a social event, does it feel as though all eyes are on you? Do you worry that people might be judging you or talking negatively about you in some way? Are you afraid to be called on in class or in a business meeting? You might try to be inconspicuous by […]

“SELFIE” AWARENESS: The Implications of Appearance Related Photo Activities on Mood and Body Image
The term “selfie” typically refers to a photograph taken of oneself, by oneself with a smartphone. The phone is usually held with one hand at arm’s length. It may include multiple subjects but as long as the individual taking the photo is one of the subjects being featured, it is considered a “selfie” (Mills, Musto, […]