Why Choose The Maryland Anxiety Center

Consider your own medical care. If your primary care physician detects a possible heart condition, they will refer you to a cardiologist. While the primary care doctor has a general fund of knowledge about the heart, he or she does not have the expertise to adequately treat your heart condition. It is the same in the treatment of anxiety-based disorders. You need a specialist in order to get better.

The Maryland Anxiety Center Values

  • Providing top quality care by offering the most up-to-date treatments based on what research studies prove to be most effective.
  • Specialized and intensive training for our staff:  our therapists and interns attend in-house trainings for over 4 hours per week and are strongly encouraged to receive continuing education from respected specialized professional organizations.  It is also part of our value as a clinic that our clinicians continually improve their skills by attending specialized and intensive professional educational conferences through organizations, such as the International OCD Foundation, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies and others.
  • Providing in-person with an option for virtual sessions: while we were forced to go virtual during a world crisis, video sessions were essential but may not be optimal for everyone.  While they may be convenient, we want to ensure that we are providing treatment that is in the best interest of each individual person.  For some, virtual may be fine, for others, it may be detrimental.  We use our best clinical judgment to determine which treatment option is best for you.
  • Advocacy and Awareness:  In addition to providing excellent care, we are also dedicated to educating everyone about what anxiety disorders look like, that they can be treated, and how we can work together to end stigma around mental health conditions. We accomplish this by providing specialized trainings for clinicians (including early career professionals and students) at professional conferences, and hosting educational sessions in our local communities. Additionally, we provide education directly to those affected by OCD and anxiety disorders – people with lived experience, their families, friends, and loved ones.
  • Training:  MAC developed specialized in house training programs for both undergraduate and graduate students who work at our clinic. We also believe that this improves access to quality care. We developed a training program for graduate students who are intensively trained and supervised by our Clinical Director. By doing this, we are able to offer lower fees to people who qualify who would not otherwise be able to afford specialized care.

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